Author : Ken Jacobsen
Ok, so what can a tradition American do while going
through the car buying process? It is a pain isn't it, but
perhaps it doesn't have to be any more.You know, with the internet¡the world truly is our
oyster. We are no longer locked in to being forced to
wander in to deal with old Gus, Fred and Jake (no
offense to anyone with that name)¡but our options
are now limitless.What has this done to the marketplace¡well 2 things.1. The dealers that have truly seen the "writing
on the wall" have totally changed their ways, and have
created an entirely new image for themselves. One of
assistance and client centered sales. One where the
relationship comes first and all the nonsense stays
where it belongs¡with the unethical dealers.2. The unethical guys see the opportunities to
"gouge" their potential customers as fewer and farther
between so they have become craftier and even
more unethical as ever. You really need to be careful.The first thing you absolutely need to do is be able to
identify the difference. It shouldn't be hard, but it may
be a little more "unobvious" than you might imagine.You see, personally I still want to go to the dealership
to do my car buying. It is right down the street¡and
the chances of them having exactly what I want sitting
right there is highly probable. This way I can develop
an actual relationship with the service manager and
parts manager¡so if I ever have a need¡I have
someone to call.However, if I "chose incorrectly", my car buying
experience can turn into a nightmare.This is where the internet comes in. First, you need to
know what the heck kind of vehicle you are willing to
park your south-side in for the next few years. Next,
you need to figure out what this new beauty is going
to cost you. This may seem like the task of a lifetime,
but I can assure you that it is not only simple, but with
a few clicks here and a few more there (assuming you
don't have carpal tunnel) and you are in business.You've got a price that is reasonable and one you can
live with.Next, it comes time to decide whether you are going to
go through the dealership or through a broker. See,
call me old fashioned (HA), but as I said before, I prefer
to do my car buying through the dealership¡so I will
opt out of the "broker" bit. Not to mention that they
are going to tack on an additional $300-$500 to do
what I already know how to do (assuming you follow
the proper steps).So I will make arrangements with either the fleet
manager or internet manager of the dealership that
participate in my "bid". This streamlines the process
immensely¡and makes my job so easy.Now I need to get my act together quickly with regard
to financing¡as I know that the "kiss of death" in the
car buying process is getting the financing from the
dealership¡big mistake¡huge!So, now I have my financing¡I've got the vehicle of my
dreams (well at least for the next few years) on its
way to a local dealership (perhaps it is already there)
and I am set.Well, almost. We need to identify if there are any
extras that we will need for this purchase, i.e.
warranty, gap-insurance, etc. (I strongly recommend
warranty's; however, never to be purchased through
the dealership).Ok, so¡now we have our financing, we have our
vehicle picked out, we are set, all through the help of
the internet. Car buying isn't so bad!Find out other intriguing aspects and more about the process of car buying and discover some great tips and tricks from Ken just by visiting
Keyword : car buying
วันศุกร์ที่ 29 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2551
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